At Home
Using the themes and suggested guidance below, join us as we pray and fast as a church community. You can do this at home, on the school-run, or on the commute!
On Tuesday Morning, join us online to pray together, from 7:30am. You can access the prayer meeting by clicking here.
In Person
On Sunday evening and Wednesday evening, we will be meeting in person at OCC. Sunday at 6pm, and Wednesday at 7:30pm.
As We Journey Through Holy Week
This marks a consequential week, as we journey through the final days of Jesus before his death —a period that appeared to extinguish the hopes and aspirations of his followers. Yet, in truth, it heralded the most significant events in history.
In these days leading to the celebrations of Easter Sunday, we want to take some time to contemplate Jesus' journey to the cross, and to ask the Holy Spirit to guide, teach and speak to us at every juncture of this sacred week.
Sunday 24th March Prayer of Worship to Begin Holy Week Lord God, today we join the crowd of people mentioned in Matthew chapter 21, who spread palm branches on the road shouting, “Hosanna in the highest!” As we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem, we recognize the humility He displayed. Even though He was the King of Kings, He humbled himself as a gentle Savior. Help us to follow His example of humility and peace. To those around us, make us a light of Your love and a witness of Your Gospel. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Monday 25th March Prayer of Righteousness Heavenly Father, today we pray for right thinking as we focus our hearts on the Passion of Christ. On this Holy Monday, help us remember how Jesus acted in righteous anger to clear the temple of moneychangers. His zeal for Your house drove Him to do the right thing that day, and we want that kind of zeal for Your ways. Lord, help us not grow complacent or compromise our faith but to grow more steadfast in Your truth. We look to Your Son as our ultimate example for faith and life, knowing our righteousness is found in Him. In His name, we pray, amen.
Tuesday 26th March Prayer of Love Gracious God, as Jesus clearly shared in Matthew 22:37-40, the two greatest commandments are to love You with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love others as ourselves. Please remind us of these commandments today as a blueprint for our lives. Show us how every thought, belief, and action can align with these commandments, and help us test everything in the light of Your love. Thank You for Jesus’ willingness to follow You in perfect obedience - even obedience to the cross. We can never repay You for the amazing gift of salvation You provided, but we can live according to the greatest commandments. We offer this prayer of love today - first for You and then for others. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.
Wednesday 27th March Prayer of Giving Lord Jesus, thank You for the example of the woman who poured out the jar of expensive perfume to prepare Your body for burial. You said she would be remembered from that day on, and we remember her lavish gift today. Please help us be generous in our offerings. Help us release our tight grip on earthly treasures and store up treasures in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy. Open our hands to the poor and open our doors to our neighbors. Most of all, open our hearts to You anew, filling us with a deeper understanding of who You are - the Savior of the world. In Your precious name, we pray, amen.